At the root of all the services I offer, I am a Psycho-Spiritual Guide. I am your companion to lead you to your own wisdom. My role is that of a respectful listener, holy witness, and facilitator in exploring life’s big questions. I feel grateful that I’ve been able to bring together my love of Jungian psychology, mythology, the body’s energy system, and sacred teachings of global mystics to be in relationship to the service of other people . . . to you. In working with me you will come to learn and listen to your own wisdom. It is a different shift than one may be accustomed to, as we are not striving for “normal”; rather, we seek transformation. And for this to occur, it must happen at the street level . . . at the imperfect, vulnerable, gritty, messy crossroads of life. The utilization of the services that are offered work together to bring a deeper healing, a deeper reconciliation, a deeper awareness, and a fullness to your transformation.
Growth has many dark nights and evolution many more. Life will always be about transforming – a series of birth, growth, death and rebirths. There will always be some trepidation of the unknown, but you can exist in the space in-between.